Ataagewininiing (Gambler)
Gambler First Nation
Gambler First Nation is one of the smallest indigenous communities in Manitoba, with a total membership of 293 of Ojibway descent, the majority are non resident. We are located approximately five miles west of the village of Binscarth and 17 miles southwest of the town of Russell.
Gambler is situated along the Assiniboine Valley, with rolling hills and streams. Our Nation is blessed with breathtaking views, fresh air and a peaceful environment that brings a calmness to our members and all visitors.
Our community offers a fully staffed Health Office with a .8 nurse, foot care, diabetes clinic, etc. The recreation center is equipped with a state-of-the art kitchen, It also houses offices for our Council, Social Assistant Administrator, Housing Director and our Jordan Principle program and staff.
Box 250
Binscarth, MB, Canada
R0J 0G0
T – (204) 773-2525
F – (204) 111-1111
Website –
Chief & Council
Chief: David Ledoux
Councillor: Kellie Ledoux
Councillor: Louis Tanner